Recommended Course of Study
While each student's skills are unique, we are frequently asked for our recommended course or sequence of study at The Lukeion Project. We do not require students to be a certain age nor grade level to take a class, merely that they are working roughly at the level suggested for best results. If you aren't sure if your student is ready for a class, contact the instructor and ask!
Our classes are very gifted-friendly (classmates need not know your student is much younger unless he or she chooses) but, as usual, it can be difficult to find good placement for young students working at an accelerated level. Everyone is warmly invited to ask individual instructors if a course is right for your child based on content, skills, expectations, and readings. The following is a general guideline as you plan your learner's schedule. Adult learners are always welcome in our workshops and semester classes. Instructors won't point out you are a grown-up so we can all get along...but adults always ask GREAT questions in class!
Our classes are very gifted-friendly (classmates need not know your student is much younger unless he or she chooses) but, as usual, it can be difficult to find good placement for young students working at an accelerated level. Everyone is warmly invited to ask individual instructors if a course is right for your child based on content, skills, expectations, and readings. The following is a general guideline as you plan your learner's schedule. Adult learners are always welcome in our workshops and semester classes. Instructors won't point out you are a grown-up so we can all get along...but adults always ask GREAT questions in class!
Suggested Educational Tracks
Many enjoy our à la carte approach. Students can plug in Latin or Greek plus other subjects of interest during their own self-designed studies. Others appreciate a comprehensive Classical approach to their education. Take only a few classes or take them all. For those who prefer some structure in place, here are recommended tracks:
Middle School Collection
These classes are perfect for middle school through 9th graders getting started at The Lukeion Project. The best place for younger students to get a taste of the Classical world is our huge selection of workshops available during our summer Workshop Week. Next they should start with Witty Wordsmith and Barbarian Diagrammarian. Move next to Skillful Scribbler/ Scribble On. Include Lively Logician and Master Mythologist. Introduce basics of the ancient world with workshops Meet the Greeks and Meet the Romans.
Basic Language Track
Start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian in middle school or early high school. Move to Latin 1 or Greek 1 the following year. Overlap the first language with a second Classical language in year 2 to complete a recommended 2-4 years of at least one Classical language but preferably both. The Lukeion Project offers 7 years each of Latin and Greek so students can continue studies long after AP level.
Literature & Writers Track
Start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian. Include Skillful Scribbler/Scribble On. Move to Latin 1 or Greek 1 the following year (finish 3-4 years of the same language). Add Master Mythologist then complete the Muse Series in grade 9, Classical History in grade 10, followed by Advanced Classical Literature, Shakespeare, Tolkien, and/or AP English Lit. in grade 11. Finish with College Composition and College Research Writing in the final year of high school.
Logical Thinkers Track
A core skill for college and life success is the ability to employ critical thinking, logic, and analysis of evidence. This skill is best developed incrementally. Start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian plus Lively Logician (1&2)—appropriate about the time a student starts algebra-- followed by Rhetoric (1 & 2) and then Classical Philosophy in grade 10 or 11. Finish out with College Composition and College Research Writing. Ambitions to go into STEM or law? Add 2 or more years of Latin.
Classics Track
The Classics Track combines critical thinking, logic, and analysis with robust language skills plus a well-seasoned ability to write with accuracy and confidence. In middle school, start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian in 7th or 8th grade. Move next to Skillful Scribbler/Scribble On plus Lively Logician (1&2). Take Master Mythologist and add Latin 1 or Greek 1 in 8th or 9th grade (finish at least 3 years of the same language). Next is the Muse Series and Rhetoric (1 & 2) in 9th or 10th grade. Take Advanced Classical Literature and add Classical Philosophy, College Composition, College Research Writing, plus Classical History in grades 11 & 12.
Middle School Collection
These classes are perfect for middle school through 9th graders getting started at The Lukeion Project. The best place for younger students to get a taste of the Classical world is our huge selection of workshops available during our summer Workshop Week. Next they should start with Witty Wordsmith and Barbarian Diagrammarian. Move next to Skillful Scribbler/ Scribble On. Include Lively Logician and Master Mythologist. Introduce basics of the ancient world with workshops Meet the Greeks and Meet the Romans.
Basic Language Track
Start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian in middle school or early high school. Move to Latin 1 or Greek 1 the following year. Overlap the first language with a second Classical language in year 2 to complete a recommended 2-4 years of at least one Classical language but preferably both. The Lukeion Project offers 7 years each of Latin and Greek so students can continue studies long after AP level.
Literature & Writers Track
Start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian. Include Skillful Scribbler/Scribble On. Move to Latin 1 or Greek 1 the following year (finish 3-4 years of the same language). Add Master Mythologist then complete the Muse Series in grade 9, Classical History in grade 10, followed by Advanced Classical Literature, Shakespeare, Tolkien, and/or AP English Lit. in grade 11. Finish with College Composition and College Research Writing in the final year of high school.
Logical Thinkers Track
A core skill for college and life success is the ability to employ critical thinking, logic, and analysis of evidence. This skill is best developed incrementally. Start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian plus Lively Logician (1&2)—appropriate about the time a student starts algebra-- followed by Rhetoric (1 & 2) and then Classical Philosophy in grade 10 or 11. Finish out with College Composition and College Research Writing. Ambitions to go into STEM or law? Add 2 or more years of Latin.
Classics Track
The Classics Track combines critical thinking, logic, and analysis with robust language skills plus a well-seasoned ability to write with accuracy and confidence. In middle school, start with Witty Wordsmith/Barbarian Diagrammarian in 7th or 8th grade. Move next to Skillful Scribbler/Scribble On plus Lively Logician (1&2). Take Master Mythologist and add Latin 1 or Greek 1 in 8th or 9th grade (finish at least 3 years of the same language). Next is the Muse Series and Rhetoric (1 & 2) in 9th or 10th grade. Take Advanced Classical Literature and add Classical Philosophy, College Composition, College Research Writing, plus Classical History in grades 11 & 12.