contact us
Since our teaching staff is constantly involved in live classes (or on the move) we can't take phone calls directly. We aren't making it hard for you to contact us...just hard to CALL us. {Ehem}. Phones ringing are a real problem during live classes.
Please email us for more information! We'll be glad to help! Oh how we adore questions by email. At any rate... To contact an instructor directly, see our about page. Our Facebook page is a phenomenal source of truth and wisdom. Please "like" us as soon as possible before you miss one more profound post. We share every move we make on Lukeion Family Tours on Instagram. Visit our fabulous blog in which we share tons of wisdom and occasional wit: The Sassy Peripatetic We offer announcements about classes and travel through a regular email newsletter, too. Sign up here (we are way too busy to be us): |